Frequently asked questions

We will contact the successful applicant usually by phone just after the closing date. If you do not hear from us within 5 working days, you can assume you have been unsuccessful. You can continue to bid for any other suitable advertised properties

Successful applicants will be issued with a provisional offer of tenancy following all relevant checks being completed. Once the property is available we will arrange for you to view before you make a final decision. If you are made an offer of a property you will not be able to apply for any other properties.

Yes, but if you refuse an offer of a property you will only be entitled to one further offer before your registration is suspended from Eildon Homes for six months.

Customers must have our written permission to keep a pet in an Eildon home. We normally allow customers to keep one pet in a flat or supported housing, and a maximum of two pets in a house with its own access.

The initial rent payment is due when you sign your Tenancy Agreement and then rent is due on the first of each month thereafter.

Please contact us on 03000 200217 or to let us know what has gone wrong. Please make sure that you confirm your name, address, contact details and provide as much detail as possible about your complaint. You can find out more about our Complaints Procedure here.

Anyone aged 16 or over can register. All you need to do is complete a simple online registration form. Once registered you can start applying for homes. We have some rules about who can bid for different types of properties, and these are set out in our Allocation Policy (insert link)

A bid is just an expression of interest in a property. There is no monetary value involved.

Social housing is available to those in greatest need. Depending on your circumstances you may be awarded a priority band of bronze, silver or gold. The greater your housing need, the higher the banding will be and more priority will be awarded to your bid.

Available properties will be advertised on the Eildon Homes website. The advert will contain information about the property location, rent, size, special features and any eligibility requirements.

First you must be registered. You can then bid for a property online by logging into your account, or you can phone us and we will place a bid for you. Each advertised property has a closing date and you must bid before this date. Bids can be made or retracted at any point before the closing date.

Yes, you can bid for up to 5 properties in each advert. However, you will not be offered more than one property at any one time.

When the bidding closes, all bids are reviewed and shortlisted based on priority award. If the shortlist has applicants with the same priority band, priority will be given to the applicant who best fits the property type, then who has been registered for the longest time.

Eildon Homes is a choice based letting system which enables customers to choose their future home. Once registered with Eildon Homes, you can apply for advertised properties in a simple and straightforward way.